01 September 2009

Recently, in South Africa, I saw this...

...and was somewhat appalled.

But, then, as I garnered statistics from across the world, I began to think about drunkeness.

Surely, I have been in attendance to watch the peculiar American sport named baseball. The participants are only the teams on the field, I've been told.

But there are so many in the grandstands, who think they are also 'part of the team', making spectacles of themselves. Is that what is known as 'teamwork' in America? Drinking at a sporting event until you must cross the road, drunken, similar to those in South Africa?

The British singer/composer Sting has it correct, I feel. "One world is enough for all of us". May you be aware of what is done every day, every moment, in this, your world.

L. Da Vinci

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