31 August 2009

A future, inherent in the past, is for nought

I believe this structure is called 'Our Lady of Perpetual Hope Basilica'. I can only say it is a 'nice' structure. It is quite overdone.

The proceedings were a funereal event, for a man called Edward Kennedy. I have already met him, and shall say no more about his life and times.

He was still his blustery human self, yet I was kind to him.

But, back to the basilica.

It is just as ostentatious as we used to design things in the 15th century. Why, oh why, do you silly people want to emulate what has gone before? Do any of you have ANY creativity about you?

Cannot one of you best me at any one of my own designs?

And yes, I knew how to design a computer before any did, but I had no support in that area, to my own dismay.

Cannot you people of the 21st century do a turn-around, and vow to live in peace in order to improve the nations? Can you not understand simplicity?

Oh, so sorry, I forgot...you have the Moslems trying to live amongst you, which they should not do. They should stay in their own countries, and better THEMSELVES there.

I know it all too well, after so many years of observation..

L. da Vinci

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