12 December 2009

Perhaps this will explain?

I, L. da Vinci, do not propose myself to be a mathematical genius.

In my book, zer-0 equals zer-0, and neither of these men can add up to anything of a positive nature.

If you observe closely, the shadows are wrong. I am learning much about what is called 'advertising' in these tortorous times. This one?

I do not approve.

L. da Vinci

04 December 2009

Alas. I am finally back...

...and I sincerely apologize to anyone who has missed me.

After I did some intensive research on the 9/11, I became very depressed. It became difficult to face the day. I am certain you understand, yes? We inhabitants of Italy value life so much, and hope and pray everyone can live their life as best possible.

But, my friends, I am digressing too much. I must tell you. I have been left what you call high and dry. By someone I considered my dearest friend.

Has this ever been done to you?

When a certain friend of yours has become greedy enough, because he or she has made concessions (I call them deals with the devil), this person will turn on you, no matter how you have helped them succeed in their journey in life.

What you must remember: they have chosen their way, which is not yours..

And, it will not lead them to the beautiful park in Verona, on the gorgeous main street from the Verona, Italy train station.

L. daVinci

10 September 2009

I shall not forget, ever, the other evening, as a dear friend sat across from me at my dinner table and noted how pleased he was that photographs of the World Trade Towers had been removed (by him) from his office cubicle.

He was tired of being reminded, he told me.

I remarked, "Never forget."

He claimed remembering that awful day was a burden, and he would like to forget it.

Because I am who I am, and died a great many years ago (peacefully, I might add), I now question this young man's ethics.

Man's inhumanity to his fellow-man is very apparent, when one takes the moment to step back and view it.

As human beings, all of us experience our day of death, our demise, our extracation for the world of the living. It matters not who we are, or what we have done during our alloted moments.

What my dear friend failed to comprehend is, that, we humans were not designed to die at the hands of others.

And, we must not fail the families of those left behind from that torturous day.

I have spoken with some who died that day. They are not happy souls to have had their lives ripped from their families. They continue to walk the grounds where they were burned, exploded, decimated.

It brings upon me a great sadness, the uncaring of a young man whom I thought of as a dear friend.

Perhaps I have not chosen wisely?

L. da Vinci

01 September 2009

Recently, in South Africa, I saw this...

...and was somewhat appalled.

But, then, as I garnered statistics from across the world, I began to think about drunkeness.

Surely, I have been in attendance to watch the peculiar American sport named baseball. The participants are only the teams on the field, I've been told.

But there are so many in the grandstands, who think they are also 'part of the team', making spectacles of themselves. Is that what is known as 'teamwork' in America? Drinking at a sporting event until you must cross the road, drunken, similar to those in South Africa?

The British singer/composer Sting has it correct, I feel. "One world is enough for all of us". May you be aware of what is done every day, every moment, in this, your world.

L. Da Vinci

31 August 2009

A future, inherent in the past, is for nought

I believe this structure is called 'Our Lady of Perpetual Hope Basilica'. I can only say it is a 'nice' structure. It is quite overdone.

The proceedings were a funereal event, for a man called Edward Kennedy. I have already met him, and shall say no more about his life and times.

He was still his blustery human self, yet I was kind to him.

But, back to the basilica.

It is just as ostentatious as we used to design things in the 15th century. Why, oh why, do you silly people want to emulate what has gone before? Do any of you have ANY creativity about you?

Cannot one of you best me at any one of my own designs?

And yes, I knew how to design a computer before any did, but I had no support in that area, to my own dismay.

Cannot you people of the 21st century do a turn-around, and vow to live in peace in order to improve the nations? Can you not understand simplicity?

Oh, so sorry, I forgot...you have the Moslems trying to live amongst you, which they should not do. They should stay in their own countries, and better THEMSELVES there.

I know it all too well, after so many years of observation..

L. da Vinci

12 August 2009

A True Friend's Photograph

This is a digital photo (and yes, I, Leonardo, understand all technology now!) of how your mayor possibly sees your city--under his own bubble!

Che sfortunato! And what a chumbolone!

It could be a very beautiful city, if he just went out and looked at it. But, as I understand, he would rather spend his time counting tax increment funding dollars. TIFS, I believe you call them?

Will you, the citizens of Chicago, VOTE IN AGAIN, this 'self-defecating' man? It would be the same as voting in Lucrezia Borgia! POISON!

I have many important thing to inform you of. But please let me take some sleep, and I will be back. (Yes, even a spirit needs rest!).

L. da Vinci

These things are unnecessary...

...if you would really think about life. We did not have them when I was alive, and we should not have them now that I am dead.

Those who feel power, when they have a gun in their hands, come to know that power as fleeting.

I invented many instruments of warfare, I admit. I did it to keep bread on my table. This I regret. When one thought led to the other, I realized them. For this I am truly sorry.

L. da Vinci

Have you been here yet?

I have visited this area of the universe...in my travels across the centuries. Is this not wondrous to you, as it was the first time I saw it?

I am convinced human beings should be in awe of the Creation around them...but they seem to be so totally absorbed by worthess pasttimes. A pity.

Awareness of one's surroundings is a good thing.

L. da Vinci

On Water, Again

I spent many years studying the movement of water.

Perhaps you have seen my Codex? I believe it is now called 'Codex Leicester' and no longer 'Codex Hammer'. Someone named William Gates, a technology tycoon, bought it and renamed it. I don't know why.

It was merely the culmination of my studies on the movement of water. Oh! Water is so fascinating!

The water shown above comes from your Lake Michigan, I believe? It looks clean and clear, but I, myself, conducted some tests, and found it to be quite polluted!

But then, don't take my word for it. I merely state that this is a lovely pool.

L. da Vinci

11 August 2009

An interesting alleyway in Rogers Park

As I understand, this is the oldest part of Rogers Park. Click on the photos.

I was fascinated by the difference in each door's era.

And there was this open door, one of two I saw on Clark Street. I immediately suspected drugs were involved!

Oh, you didn't think drugs were useful back in my lifetime? Or even used?

Guess again!

L. da Vinci

Roaming through your city yesterday...

..and I found this marvelous yellow door, in an alley way, in Rogers Park!

It reminded me of repairs that needed to be done on my own home. Back home. Centuries ago.

Ah, well.

L. da Vinci

I Try Very Hard to Understand Chicago

It is difficult, you see, after all I have made of my own hands, to see a sculpture, a fountain, as breath-taking as this, in the city of Chicago. Though your mayor is certainly a chumbolone, this is wondrous!

L. da Vinci

Back when I painted her...

...she was not that enigmatic. I simply looked in my mirror, at myself, after she left the daily sittings, and quickly painted.

It was not her smile.

It was my own, a smirk of satisfaction. I found I could make her to my liking.

Nonetheless, her husband purchased the painting, small as it was. His vision was not good. It worked out well for me.

I was deeply involved in many other diversions at the time. Many more important tasks.

L. da Vinci