12 December 2009

Perhaps this will explain?

I, L. da Vinci, do not propose myself to be a mathematical genius.

In my book, zer-0 equals zer-0, and neither of these men can add up to anything of a positive nature.

If you observe closely, the shadows are wrong. I am learning much about what is called 'advertising' in these tortorous times. This one?

I do not approve.

L. da Vinci

04 December 2009

Alas. I am finally back...

...and I sincerely apologize to anyone who has missed me.

After I did some intensive research on the 9/11, I became very depressed. It became difficult to face the day. I am certain you understand, yes? We inhabitants of Italy value life so much, and hope and pray everyone can live their life as best possible.

But, my friends, I am digressing too much. I must tell you. I have been left what you call high and dry. By someone I considered my dearest friend.

Has this ever been done to you?

When a certain friend of yours has become greedy enough, because he or she has made concessions (I call them deals with the devil), this person will turn on you, no matter how you have helped them succeed in their journey in life.

What you must remember: they have chosen their way, which is not yours..

And, it will not lead them to the beautiful park in Verona, on the gorgeous main street from the Verona, Italy train station.

L. daVinci